Home Crime and Courts Snake Creps Into Joana’s Chikurubi Maximum Prison Cell,

Snake Creps Into Joana’s Chikurubi Maximum Prison Cell,

by Kudakwashe Vhenge

By Own Correspondent

There was pandemonium at Chikurubi Maximum Prison over the weekend when a snake crawled into Harare West MP Joana Mamombe and her colleague, Cecilia Chimbiri’s cell.

The dramatic incidents began on Friday, when it was suddenly noticed that the shift pattern has been changed and a prison guard, only identified as Mbuya Chipangura who took up work on the day began targeting the two MDC Alliance leaders for abuse, as sources tell an online ZimEye.

On the same day, at night, a snake crept into their (the MDC Alliance leaders’) cell. The reptile poked its head through the hole at the roof top and was now dangling into the cell.

Upon noticing it, they screamed over and over, and the officers only said they were calling for National Parks. Nat Parks never came. Reacting to this, the two continued screaming though no one came to their rescue.

“The only two officers who came through came after a long wait only to say they would wait for National Parks,”.

At the time of writing it could not be established what type of snake it was.

She continued saying: The following day, they were relocated to a COVID-fested cell.

“They complained and were subsequently taken back, albeit to the same snake porous cell. As at today, they are back into the same cell which has a snake hole.


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