By Trevor Makonyonga
The Zimbabwe A cricket side will play against South Africa A in Harare starting late this month till mid-June.
The two sides are scheduled to play four One Day matches and two four dayers in Harare.
Stuart Matsikenyeri will coach the Zimbabwe A side with Eric Chauluka as fielding coach and Njabulo Ncube incharge of bowling.
Clement Rizhibowa is the hosts’ fitness trainer, Keith Kulinga will be the analyst and Travor Wambe the physiotherapist.
Former media manager, Lovemore Banda stand in as team manager.
The Zimbabwe team sees a mixture of players who have earned senior national team caps and a handful without.
The teams for both teams includes Faraz Akram, Ryan Burl, Tendai Chatara, Tanaka Chivanga, Bradley Evans, Roy Kaia, Tapiwa Mufudza and Richmond Mutumbami.
Veteran Mid-West Rhinos batsman, Brighton Chipungu comes in for the four dayers.
The one-dayers, scheduled for 29 and 31 May and 2 and 4 June, will be played behind closed doors at Harare Sports Club, with no fans allowed in the stadium due to COVID-19 protocols.
The first four-dayer, pencilled in for 7-10 June, will also be played at the same venue. Takashinga Cricket Club will then host the second four-day match, set for 13-16 June.
Akram Faraz, Burl Ryan, Chari Brian, Chatara Tendai, Chibhabha Chamunorwa, Chivanga Tanaka, Evans Bradley, Jongwe Luke, Kaia Roy, Maruma Timycen, Marumani Tadiwanashe, Mufudza Tapiwa, Mutumbami Richmond, Myers Dion, Ndlovu Ainsley, Nyauchi Victor
Reserves: Mumba Carl, Musakanda Tarisai, Nenhunzi Tinashe, Nyangani Tadiwanashe, Shumba Milton
Akram Faraz, Burl Ryan, Chatara Tendai, Chipungu Brighton, Chivanga Tanaka, Evans Bradley, Gumbie Joylord, Kaia Roy, Kaitano Takudzwanashe, Madhevere Wessly, Mudzinganyama Brian, Mufudza Tapiwa, Mumba Carl, Musakanda Tarisai, Mutumbami Richmond, Shumba Milton
Reserves: Chari Brian, Myers Dion
Zimbabwe A cricket team to face South Africa A