By Lloyd Takawira
Zimbabweans have reacted angrily to a video that has gone viral of a helpless woman who is seen in the video being harassed by touts while screaming for help.
The helpless elderly woman who is seen sandwiched by hordes of touts who are tearing apart her belongings ostensibly fighting for her to board a bus cried uncontrollably, however there was no sign of remorse from the heartless touts who have became a permanent menance in many bus ranks accross the country .
Outraged Zimbabweans who spoke to Bustop TV News implored the Zimbabwe Republic Police to quickly intervene in order to bring sanity at bus terminuses .
Speaking to this reporter right at the country’s biggest terminus Mbare bus rank, one elderly woman had this to say ,”tanzwa mwanangu kubatwa batwa nemahwindi iwawa , nezera rangu rino ndichizunziwa zunziwa nemwana wandakabara hauone kuti hazvina hunhu . Ko iwo mapurisa acho anomboripiko ” said Gogo Muchesa
Another passanger had this to say, ” pedu pano pama bus anoinda Gokwe unototya kuti wodzokera kumusha , unorara uchifunga zvauchasangana nazvo pano . Mapurisa anofana kufamba achibata mahwindi iwawa kuvavharira chaiko ” said Mai Primrose who says she is heading to her rural area Gokwe.
Some social media users vented their resentment on internet calling on the Zimbabwe Republic Police to take stern measures against touts who have become a menace to passangers.
Commenting on the viral video on Twitter , one Twitter user @MuchanetaS had this to say , ” Dear police Zimbabwe kindly bring these culprits to book “
Another outraged Zimbo @CletoZim on Twitter had this to say ” Police department help us by arresting these thugs . Ndarwadziwa shuwa vanenge vari amai vako ivava “
Below is the video which is circulating on social media
Many times touts have been causing havoc in many bus ranks. Their nefarious agendas have many reparcations with many unsuspecting passengers losing valuables to the touts
The Zimbabwe Republic Police has also received a fair share of blame for it’s lethargic approach in dealing with the menacing touts with passangers
With numerous operations codenamed after strenuous resolve to eradicate the culture of touting, however not even, Operation Chihwindi Chapera could not obliterate the daring youths.
However, these operations are often short-lived and ineffective as the touts return in full force after only days.
On several occasions lives have been lost due to the harassment and manhandling by touts .
For example in 2017 a passenger intending to board a bus to Mutare near Roadport Bus Terminus along Robert Mugabe Road died after sustaining injuries from the touts cum-thieves.