By Own Correspondent
The Christmas luncheon for the homeless and underprivileged in Harare was a major success as overwhelming numbers attended the event at One church in Avondale on Christmas day.
Over 200 people turned up and were fed with a decent meal for the day and other parcel as takeaways.
The programme, a brainchild of three youths based in Avondale, Livias Mwanza, Edmond Musaruro, Caleb Dongonda saw a number of homeless people mostly from Epworth, areas surrounding Parirenyatwa Hospital and Avondale.
With the assistance other youths, Simangaliso Sibanda, Dorcas Zenda, Melisa Sithole and Tatenda Utsihwembanje and the church team they made sure the food was prepared and shared among the recipients in time.
Speaking to this publication, one of the organizers, Livias Mwanza said as the organizers they were shocked by the numbers which turned up but also reiterated that they were equal to the task at hand.
“Its not the first that we have done this however we were not sure whether the word had gone out so clearly. But tell you what, we were perplexed by the numbers that turned up. However, we were prepared for the worst. Every person who turned up got a decent meal and a few parcel to take home thanks to One church who gave us the support we needed”, said Mwanza.
He added, the day was a major success.
” We hope to keep on doing this for most of the public holidays celebrated and commemorated in this country”.
One of the recipients, Onias Gutu from Epworth had this to say; “It’s not every day that you meet youths with such hearts. In most cases, during these times, most people care much about their loved ones but forget the homeless and the underprivileged, therefore, hats off to these youths for coming up with such a noble idea. Actually, our leadership must adopt such ideas nationwide, he said.