By Paidashe Mandivengerei
Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) has urged citizens not to consume the ‘fake’ Flumed cough cold and flu syrup circulating mainly in Harare and Chivhu.
Varichem Pharmaceuticals have confrimed that they did not produce the substandard falsified syrup which has batch number 260511 expiring June 2021.
ZRP is currently conducting investigations on pharmacies that sold the product.
In a statement released recently, MCAZ Director general, R. Rukwata said no side effects of the counterfeit children’s product had been reported so far.
“This Medicinal Product Alert relates to one falsified version of Flumed ®️
(Paracetamol/ Phenylephrine Hydrochloride/ Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide/
Chlorpheniramine Maleate) Syrup circulating in Harare and Chivhu, presented under
the name ‘Flumed ®️ Syrup” manufactured by “Varichem Pharmaceuticals”.
The MCAZ was informed through the police as part of an ongoing investigation, that falsified
Flumed ®️ Syrup was sold in a pharmacy in Harare. At this stage, several investigations have been done, and it is strongly suspected that the falsified Flumed ®️ syrup is substandard.
Product details are listed below
Flumed ®️ Syrup
Table 1: Details of the falsified product Flumed ®️ Syrup
Product Name Flumed ®️ Syrup
Stated manufacturer Varichem Pharmaceuticals
Batch Number 260511
Expiry Date 06/2021
Declared Active Ingredients Paracetamol/ Phenylephrine Hydrochloride/
Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide/
Chlorpheniramine Maleate
Varichem Pharmaceuticals has confirmed that:
i) They did not manufacture this falsified version.
ii) The variable details on the product label do not correspond to the genuine
manufacturing records.
iii) There are labelling and packaging inconsistencies.
iv) A certificate of analysis for the falsified product showed that the active ingredients
are at sub-therapeutic levels.
Falsified products are reported to the MCAZ through as regulatory complaints from customers, or as a product problem/defect. MCAZ requests increased vigilance within the supply chains of cities likely to be affected by these falsified medical products. Increased vigilance should include hospitals, clinics, health centres, wholesalers, distributors, pharmacies and any other suppliers of medical products.
If you are in possession of the above mentioned falsified product, please do not consume this
product. If you have taken these falsified medical products, or if you suffer an adverse event or an unexpected lack of efficacy, please seek immediate advice from a qualified health professional, and ensure they report the incident to the MCAZ.
All medical products must be obtained from authentic and reliable sources. Their authenticity and condition should be carefully checked. Seek advice from a healthcare professional in case of doubt.
If you have any information concerning the manufacture, distribution, or supply of this medical product please contact [email protected] .”