By Sukuoluhle Ndlovu
Masvingo – The Masvingo City Council is proposing a wooping ZWL$4.1billion for the 2021 budget.
This has been revealed at the budget consultation meetings being carried out in the province in different wards in the City.
The council is set to undertake different projects in the year 2021.
The major revenue sources are rates, service charges, licenses, rentals, land sales external loans and grants.
On the other hand, councils major expenditure are general expenses, maintenance, employment costs and capital expenditure.
The Council has a strategic plan and has listed the number of priorities accordingly as noted down in the council’s 2021 budget proposal.
Among these is supply of potable water, waste water treatment and disposal
Solid waste management
Roads and infrastructure
Housing and social amenities.
Supply of portable water has a budget of ZWL$383,772,500 and this will see an improvement in water reticulation in the province as water is now the biggest challenge people are facing due to the delay of the Water Augmentation Phase 2.
Waste water treatment and disposal has a budget of ZWL$53,744,400which will see an upgrade in the provinces sewer system.
Solid waste management has been budgeted for ZWL$19, 440,000 for refuse compactors and new landfill development.
Roads and infrastructure’s budget is ZWL$40,900,000 which aims at improving public lighting, dozer, front end loader, tipper and traffic lights.
Housing and social amenities has been proposed for ZWL$36,400,000 which will cover the Runyararo West Clinic, markets, Mucheke Hostels and barrack upgrading, secondary school construction, Masvingo Kernen development, refurbishment of public toilets, new cemetery development and primary schools classroom blocks.
The council is also proposing for a ward development fund which is ZWL$100,000 per ward and this will amount to ZWL$1 000,000 for all wards.
“The total budget for the project’s cost ZWL$529,456,900 and other capital items for the governance, administration and technical services of council amount to ZWL$193,735,950 and this mainly comprises motor vehicles, furniture and information and communication technology equipment,” as stated in the budget proposal.