By Staff Reporter
The 45th Cabinet matrix move have come up with interesting decisions on Vice Presidents as the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has put forward a resolution to fast track motion on how a Vice President can vacate office.
There has been speculation regarding the relationship of the praesidium and unconfirmed reports have suggested that the president once VP Chiwenga was gone.
With the resolutions made by the cabinet on Tuesday this week, it could be an indication of the times ahead.
Part of the document reads, “Cabinet considered and approved the Constitutional Amendment Bill, 2019 which the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs presented as Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on Legislation. Some of the salient amendments to be effected will include the following:
a) provision, under Section 94 of subsection (2) to allow the President-elect, as soon as he assumes office, to appoint two persons to be Vice-Presidents who shall take their oaths of office before the Chief Justice or the next senior judge available as set out in the Third Schedule;
b) setting out in Section 95 the conditions under which a Vice-President will vacate office, which include resignation, removal by the President, serious misconduct, failure to uphold the Constitution or inability to perform the functions of the office due to physical or mental incapacity;”
It is bullet b) which raised questions as to whether Chiwenga will stay in power or not. If the rumours of a rift with the president are true, then the nation is in for a treat.