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$200 000rtgs for boreholes in Masvingo

by BustopTV

By Sukuoluhle Ndlovu

Power cuts have led to the waterworks at Masvingo Bushmead fail to pump water for its residents leading to water shortages. In a bid to rectify the water situation, six boreholes are going to be drilled by the Masvingo City council and the drilling of the boreholes will be worth $200 000RTGS for the 10 wards in Masvingo.

Speaking with the Masvingo City Mayor, Collen Maboke has confirmed the drilling of the boreholes and that more boreholes in the future are to be drilled.

“We have to spend an amount of $200 000 RTGS for the drilling of all the six boreholes in some of our wards and another initiative is in the pipeline to drill more boreholes as an alternative for water crisis that has hit our town, at least if we have two boreholes for each ward its sufficient for the residents,” he said.

He also added that the money they used was from the devolution.“We used devolution money and we are hoping that our next initiative will also be funded from devolution money that we are expecting anytime soon” said Maboke.

Government is expected to make available enough power to make3 sure residents receive taped water.“It is a good initiative though we are not happy since borehole water should be an alternative and people should have taped water but it’s beyond our control as a council because of power cuts, we urge the government to supply us with enough power so that we can also supply residents with water” said Mr Maboke.

One resident who stays in Mucheke West where water has become a huge problem as compared to other areas applauded the Councils initiative to drill more boreholes.“Water is a basic need we should get each and every time but this has become a thing of the past. Water is now the greatest challenge, the drilling of the new boreholes is going to help curb the issue of water. Bushmead is failing to pump enough water due to power shortages so more boreholes are a better alternative for us,” said Mitchell Dube.


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