By Romeo Takundwa
A village head has divorced his wife in the Headman’s court after she refused to take part in a traditional ceremony for his late mother.
Chibhoidho Chitsvairo, under Headman Chitsakani of Chitange, divorced his wife Tavazvarira Musauki, after she refused to be part of a traditional ceremony for her mother in-law.
Musauki said she is a devoted “Vadzidzi” follower and the ceremony was against her religion.
“I divorced her and will get a wife who listens to what I need because my mother’s property is not yet distributed due to this unresolved ritual.
“I have decided to take another wife and divorce this one by issuing a gupuro before this court,” said Chitsvairo.
His wife, Musauki fumed back.
“He is an unhelpful husband and I will never leave my home,” she said.
Chitsvairo is said to have receive a lobola refund to mark the end of their union but the wife refused to vacate saying the husband should leave instead.
He went to live at his next wife’s home in the same village.
Being barred from his home led him to haul his wife to the court seeking a legal and traditional intervention.
The wife remained adamant and asked the husband to move and leave the children and home under her custody.
Headman Chitsakani ordered the husband to return to his home despite the woman’s stiff resistance.
Village head dumps wife over mother’s ritual
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