Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has launched investigations in connection with the recent alleged political violence which occurred in Gokwe and Chivi during Citizens Coalition for Change rallies.
One suspect has already been arrested.
This follows after supporters of CCC allegedly assaulted Zanu-PF supporters during their meeting in Gokwe-North, Nembudziya ground on Sunday.
Those alleged victims are Shylet Hatina of Mutora in Nembudziya and District chairperson Temba Motsi.
CCC supporters are also being accused of perpetrating violence at Chivi Growth Point which caused damage to property on the same day.
A spokesman for the security force said:
“The ZRP confirms that investigations are being conducted in connection with the political violence incident which occurred at Nembudziya Government High School grounds on 12/02/23. One suspect has been arrested as the investigations continue.
“The ZRP is also investigating the circumstances which led to public violence during a CCC rally at Chivi open grounds in Masvingo Province on 12/02/23”.
CCC Spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere Monday refuted the allagations.
“We condemn the unlawful, violent attack on our members by Zanu PF thugs at our Gokwe Nembudziya rally yesterday. We were cleared by Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to hold a rally at Mutora Business Centre. Zanu PF is running scared. We want elections not war!
“We know why the regime is targeting Amos Chibaya. It’s because they’re terrified of the extent to which he has organized citizens especially in rural communities. Now they’re cooking up false stories yet he was peacefully selling our alternative vision in Chivi yesterday,” said Fadzayi Mahere in a series of tweets.
Images of Hatina lying on a hospital bed with wounds on her head have since circulated on social media.