By Bustop TV Correspondent
Recently divorced Justice Minister, Ziyambi Ziyambi is allegedly having an affair with a married junior staffer in his ministry.
Social media is awash with a phone call conversation supposedly between the staffer’s husband and Ziyambi.
In the telephone the cabinet minister warns that he will ‘deal’ with the husband.
Below are excerpts from the telephone conversation.
Ziyambi: Wangauchigara negirlfriend marambana inini where do I come in?
The man: Mukadzi wangu.
Ziyambi: Dai kurikunzi ndakatombodanana naye kana better, handimuzive ini.
The man: Ndine mamessage.
Ziyambi: You are an idiot, ukanetsana nemkadzi wako unopedzerana naye wazvinzwa. I want to report you to Netone. I repeat this you are an idiot. Let me tell you what you did, watsvaga number dzevanonzi Mai Ziyambi vandakarambana navo and she told me kuti kune munhu anonzi Florence afonera mai vangu achivaharrassa and I’m going to make a report. You are an idiot handidanane nemkadzi wako ini. Handikw**ane naye ini. Stupid youngman, you are very very stupid. And now I have your number tomorrow you will be fired I will guarantee you this. Hauharasse vanhu vari kumusha over nyaya dzako dzawaitirana negirlfriend. I don’t care go and do whatever you want to do, stupid young man. Let me tell you, you deal with your new hure rako you don’t come to me.
The man: Inini ndangengoti nditaure in confidential.
Ziyambi: No hapana confidential you are an idiot you have harassed a poor woman arikumusha and I take great _ to that. Ukanotsvagana nemunhu wandakarambana naye kuti akubatsire kuita nyaya dzako dzisina musoro. And I am going to deal with you because of that kana usingandizive. You can go anywhere.
The man: Makarambana rinhi nemkadzi wenyu baba Ziyambi?
Ziyambi: Muvhunze kuti anogara neni here mkadzi iyeye. I have over 16 years, nditori ne a daughter mukuru stereki. And you go and drag her kuti muende munoharassa an innocent person. You are an idiot mese muri two nethat woman. I am going to deal with you and even nyaya yauri kutaura iyoyo yemamessage it’s also a criminal offence. I am going to deal with you iwewe ndiwe munhu uchati baba nemuridzo.
The man: It’s alright baba Ziyambi ndange ndangoti tiite man talk.
Ziyambi: Handina man talk yandinoita ne an idiot ini. I don’t come down to your level kuti unondiaccuser kuti ndodanana nemunhu nemy officer. Chiendawo kwaunoda. And nezvimamessage zvako zvauri ku purporter kuti ndezvangu and you will see how the law will deal with you.
When reached for comment by BustopTV, Ziyambi’s phone went unanswered.