By BustopTV Features Writer
The speech delivered by President Emerson Mnangangwa this morning was not only strange but if one is to read into it, it had a lot in it.
It was a simple response to the hashtags and all other movements that have been launched recently in the country.
Broken down one might get the threats and the message if being unfazed by all that is happening.
Firstly, the president said that since he came to power he has faced attacks from “sanctions, economic aggression, drought, COVID-19.” Then he pledged to defeat all he has been facing before saying that “we” will not apologise for fixing the economy “across the political, social and economic spectrum.”
To solidify his stance he then said that the current reforms, if any, have bore fruits and corruption has to fall.
Listening to this would not make any sense but in a way the president was telling us all that he is used to all the noise and remained adamant that he will stick to his guns as they have been bearing fruits.
The part that could be scary is the one on the dark forces. What is not clear is whether these dark forces are actually existent or if they are imaginary.
Given what has been happening in recent weeks through arrests and so called “fake” abductions, these inside dark forces can literally be anyone.
It has always been known (not knowing who laid the rule though) that the ones for the government are patriotic and those who challenge it are unpatriotic.
So when the president says “embrace patriotism, accountability, love and stability” this have an underlying meaning than merely words on a paper.
To those who studied literature will know that in a comparison, usually the first mentioned statement or word in a comparison could be more equal than the one that follows.
When H.E said “we will continue to strike a balance between peace and stability and protection of civil rights on the other hand” automatically the significant part is laid out. Civil rights are not as important as peace and stability. In other words follow the status quo, don’t be found on the wrong side of what has already been laid out.
Before closing he then reminds everyone that he is there to stay by pledging to continue to work harder. Although most people saw no meaning in the speech, the president was basically saying follow the present statutes and you will be alright.