By Trevor Makonyonga
The Community Water Alliance (CWA) yesterday, Friday hosted a water point safety workshop in Glen View, Harare.
CWA launched the “Creating COVID19 Safe Public Water Points” initiative aimed at fighting COVID-19 through making water points safe.
Speaking to Bustop TV, CWA information officer Hardlife Mudzingwa said that a water point safety assessment had to be done.
He said, “The purpose of the progress inception workshop was to share the objectives of the project, that is, the impact and the outcomes that are expected from the project. The sharing was done with other partners that are working in Glen View and also even sharing the activities so that we are at least on the same page with the other implementing partners on what we want to achieve. Ultimately, if there was need for any clarifications and questions the purpose was to respond and improve on areas other partners would feel we need to revisit.
“After the inception we are expecting to have what we are calling public water point safety audit. Where we will look at the safety conditions at public water points, boreholes, to establish what the conditions that are likely spread COVID-19. After an audit that will be a baseline before we make any intervention in Glen View. We will then have Community trainings where will upgrade the infrastructure informed by the audit on the conditions at the boreholes.”
Mudzingwa also said that they will move to other areas and seek to give a blueprint to other organisations who seek to do the same.
“We were sharing also with the partners about the phased approach that we are going to implement when it comes to delivering on the project objectives. After Glen View our expectation is that we are going to have good practices and lessons learnt that will be used to replicate the same in other areas already where there is some interest. Off note we realise that the Africa Development Bank is intending to start something in Harare and the lessons that they drew from what we intend to do was good news for them as they try to replicate the same interventions in other boreholes dotted in Harare,” said Mudzingwa.
CWA will leverage on the water points to raise awareness and improve the reporting structures of WASH issues between residents and district office of the City of Harare.
The half day meeting was attended by Harare Water, Mayor of Harare, MSF, Higherlife Foundation, CHRA, AFDB, GIZ, WHH and Private Sector. Meeting was co-hosted by Community Water Alliance and City of Harare district office.