By Lloyd Takawira
RESIDENTS have petitioned government to urgently rehabilitate Seke road, which has became one of the most unnavigable roads linking Chitungwiza and Harare.
In a letter co-signed by Passengers Association of Zimbabwe and Combined Harare Residents Trust , the two organizations demanded that government through the ministry of transport and infrastructural development urgently look into the state of Seke road.
“The Combined Harare Residents Association and Passenger Association of Zimbabwe (PAZ) kindly brings to your attention that Seke road is in a deplorable state and requires urgent rehabilitation . The state of the road has been attributed to accidents , damaging of vehicles parts ( shocks , tyres) and in some cases buses are refusing to go to Chitungwiza due to the state of the roads which are not trafficable,” reads the letter.
The potholed Seke road linking the overly populated domitary town of Chitungwiza to the capital, Harare, has over the years been competing with Masvingo road in road casualties due to its bad state.
Commenting on the petition to government , PAZ president, Tafadzwa Goliati said, ” Seke road has became a nightmare for motorists. The blame is on the government which seem to have mastered the art of “talk more deliver less. Look at the state of our roads with particular reference to Seke road . The road is ever busy hence a death trap.”
Many like Jefta Mumbire a motorist who resides in St Mary’s Chitungwiza have no kind words for the authorities over what has became of the un-trafficable Seke road.
Speaking to Bustop TV News Mumbire said,”I have been driving my only car amid potholes for the past year and it’s state has deteriorated over time and surely if the state of our roads cannot be improved by building concrete roads, I tell you this road will continue to be in bad shape just like many busy roads . It requires a complete overhaul, not this pothole patching”.
Last month government resolved that all roads in the country be declared a State of Disaster in order to facilitate the release of funds for maintenance and repair works.
The government said the decision to declare all countries roads a state of disaster was informed by an adverse report submitted by Minister of Local Government and Public Works, July Moyo, which revealed that some areas are now inaccessible because of extensively damaged roads.
“Cabinet has resolved that all roads in the country be declared a state of disaster. The declaration would facilitate the release of resources for the repair and rehabilitation of all roads that require such works.
“The restorative works will cover all urban areas as well as the rural trunk roads. It will also pave way for the standardization of quality roads under the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development. The necessary legal procedures to give effect to the declaration is being worked on,” Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said.
However, many like Goliati believe the government is more concerned about talk shows and fickleness while glossing over promises which have never come to fruition.
With the petition it remains to be seen how government and responsible authorities will respond to the matter.