Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) High School student, Prince Tawonezvi (18) allegedly took his own life on Monday.
Police spokesperson assistant commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident which is still under investigations.
“The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the tragic and unfortunate death of an upper sixth student, Prince Tawonezvi (18) at ZRP High School on March 13 at 1700 hours.
“The student allegedly committed suicide in circumstances which are now subject to investigations.
“The ZRP expresses condolence to the Tawonezvi family and students at the school,” Nyathi said.
Recent media reports have been highlighting several cases of suicide by high school students in Zimbabwe.
A few days ago, another teenager Jayden Saudan, a form three pupil from Hamilton High School in Bulawayo committed suicide after being subjected to bullying at his school.
Last year in November, a grade six also committed suicide after she allegedly drank poisonous substance after his teacher and parents met to discuss his Continuous Assessment Learning Activity (Cala) performance.