By Trevor Makonyonga
The Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) president, Takudzwa Ngadziore, has broken his silence over the abduction of Midlands State University (MSU) journalism student, Tawanda Muchehiwa.
Muchehiwa who is nephew to ZimLive editor, Mduduzi Mathuthu was abducted on the 30th of July and tortured by his kidnappers.
He was found after three days and suffered body and kidney injuries.
Ngadziore said that keeping silent on the matter would be going against the ZINASU’s vision.
Posting on his twitter page, the ZINASU president said, “Tawanda Muchehiwa is a 22 year old journalism student. Our silence as a Union (ZINASU) will be a betrayal of our vision. To create an inclusive & democratic Zimbabwe, with students as integral stakeholders, where student concerns are addressed and academic freedoms upheld.”
He added that whatever happened to Muchehiwa should never happen to anyone.
He said, “What happened to Tawanda MUST & SHOULD never happen to any Human-Being. For that as President of the largest Students Movement in Zimbabwe. We shall roll out a Program of Action, all in the quest of JUSTICE & FREEDOM for ALL. #PeoplePower #ZimbabweanLivesMatter.”
Ngadziore also pointed out that the action would include every willing Zimbabweans despite being out of college as they will be focusing on sending a message against the evil acts of the regime.
“We shall call upon ALL Sane & Progressive Zimbabweans, together with the International Community to stand in SOLIDARITY with our fellow brother Tawanda Muchehiwa as we denounce such EVIL ACTS by the Regime. What did we do to deserve such? We are only STUDENTS ! #PEOPLEPOWER,” he said.
In concluding his post, Ngadziore said that the students had nothing to lose and were going to take action
He said, “Let is be known: We don’t only call for Action. We Effect ACTION ! The Ferret Regime has abducted our Future as STUDENTS. Thus, we shall fight to the deepest Ends. For we’ve NOTHING at all to Lose. The only option they’ve is to Abduct us ALL or Kill us ALL #JusticeForTawanda.”
A CCTV footage of Muchehiwa’s abduction has been posted on ZimLive YouTube channel and also a narration of the ordeal is on the ZimLive website.
The court had to intervene and gave police 72 hours to produce him. To date new information keeps unfolding on the details of the cars used and the alleged abductors.