By Peace Mlilo
Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa says Zimbabweans are suffering due to bad leadership, poor governance and porous economic policies.
He urged the government to address the economic challenges such as exchange rate spiralling and rising inflation.
Chamisa also urged the government to use long term finance such as diaspora bonds for example in Ethiopia the Grand Renaissance Dam and public private partnerships to fund infrastructure.
“There is a crisis of confidence in the market,citizens are suffering from the price hikes and deepening poverty level.All government policies must be demand driven,inclusive and fully consultative.The recent attack on CZI position paper by Government is regrettable and must never be tolerated!Stop the auction system and go for full dollarisation – this will immediately remove distortions,multiple pricing,arbitrage, secure stability and save exporting companies from imminent collapse and help all businesses and economic agents to preserve capital.”
Chamisa highlighted that Zimbabweans are suffering because of corrupt officials.
“Stop corruption and save US$2.8bn,being the US$1.8bn through illicit financial flows and US $1bn wasted in state owned enterprises and line ministries).This money,if saved, is a real game changer.Greedy, indiscipline and corruption stand as the biggest threat to the economy!” he added.