By Own Correspondent
Twelve people have recovered from Covid-19 in the country.
This brings the total recoveries from corona virus to 46 out of 287 confirmed cases.
The Health ministry said Masvingo province recorded 11 recoveries yesterday while Mashonaland East had one recovery.
“Recoveries were reported by Masvingo Province 11 and Mashonaland East province 1 and the recovery cases are now 46,” noted the Ministry.
To date confirmed cases for Covid -19 are now at 287 with 237 active cases.
Five returnees from South Africa tested positive.
“Five cases tested positive for Covid -19 yesterday. These are all returnees from South Africa and are all isolated. Mashonaland West recorded three cases while Masvingo recorded two new more cases. 289 RDT screening tests and 394 PCR diagnostic tests were done. The cumulative number of tests done to date is 53 668 (31 767 and 21 901 PCR).”
Masvingo provincial information officer, Rogers Irimayi said that, “The people who have been tested and are positive with the virus are now self isolating at home and the Ministry of Health makes it a mandate to visit them and make checkups on them so as to see if they are following the regulations,” he said.
Masvingo Polytechnic is the only isolation centre now with 42 people while the other centres are now clear.
To date the total number of confirmed cases is 287, recovered 46, active cases 237 and four deaths.