By Lerato Ndlovu
Zimbabwe has completed the third cycle of the United Nations human rights situation evaluation conducted from 2016 to October 2021.10.27
The third Cycle Universal Periodic Review Report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee was presented by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Ziyambi Ziyambi.
Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said the country has undergone two cycles of the review in 2012 ad 2016, and the third under review outlines measures that the country has taken in regards to human rights.
“The nation is informed that the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) involves the evaluation of the human rights situations of all United Nations member States once every four years. Zimbabwe has so far undergone two cycles of the Universal Periodic Review, in 2012 and 2016, respectively.
“The 3rd Cycle Universal Periodic Review outlines the measures that have been undertaken by Zimbabwe during the review period (2016 to October 2021) to promote, respect and fulfill human rights obligations.
“The Report highlights the developments in the advancement of human rights that have taken place in Zimbabwe during the review period as well as progress made in facilitating the full enjoyment of the rights, it reflects the domestic laws that have been re-aligned to the Constitution and promulgated.”
She stated that the country has made positive efforts in creating an enabling policy environment for the improvement of public health through, among others, the promulgation of the National Health Strategy and robust HIV and COVID-19 response strategies.
“The budgetary allocation to the health sector has been increasing over the years, with the ZW$54 billion allocated in the 2021 Budget representing 13% of the national budget. The mortality rate of those in the 15 to 49 year age group also continues to decline, having been recorded at 6.28 deaths per 1 000 females and 6.09 deaths per 1 000 males in 2019.
“This is a notable drop when compared to the 2014 mortality rate of 9.84 deaths per 1 000 females and 9.79 males per 1 000 males. The advent of the COVID-19 Outbreak enhanced investment in the health sector.”
Mutsvangwa said in terms of access to food, Government has since 2010 been implementing the Food Deficit Mitigation Programme, a social protection programme which provides food and cash assistance to food insecure households and other vulnerable groups, at the moment, the Food and Nutrition Security situation is constantly monitored through the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC).
“To ensure food security, Government has, among others, implemented the following programmes to increase production in agricultural sector: Command Agriculture, Mechanization of Agriculture, Climate Smart Agriculture or Pfumvudza/Intwasa Programme, Small Grain Production Programme, Livestock Development Programme, and the Irrigation Development and Rehabilitation Programme.”
The other sections of the Zimbabwe’s 3rd Cycle Universal Periodic Review Report review progress made in the implementation of the following: Administration of Justice; Birth Registration; Conditions of Prisons and Police Holding Cells; Trafficking in Persons; Women’s Rights; Children’s Rights; Rights of Persons with Disabilities; Media; Financial, Technical and Other Cooperation Assistance; and Cooperation with Civil Society Organisations and Other Stakeholders.