By Sukuoluhle Ndlovu
Masvingo – Amid the fight against Covid -19, Ndanga Isolation in Zaka district is still facing challenges in completion an official has revealed.
The completion of the isolation centre has been delayed after there were problems in procuring necessary equipment.
Ndanga Hospital is admitting Covid-19 patients with severe cases in a ward they set aside for patients while the rest self -isolate at home.
Zaka District Medical Officer, Dr Mutero Mupereki said: “We got funds from the government worth RTGS$2million and we used these funds to renovate the ward, that is we renovated the block, painted it, tilling, fencing and the admission rooms, water system and a separate tank for the ward. The main concern is that the block has nothing inside for it to be called an isolation ward, it is just a building.
We are still waiting for funds to procure oxygen, ventilators, trolleys, beds, bedding, PPE’s and the medical staff to attend to the patients. As of now we cannot say we have an isolation ward as the building has nothing inside. Once funds are availed this is what will start procuring as the development of the ward is key in the fight against Covid-19.”
Masvingo Provincial Medical Director, Dr Amadeus Shamhu said upgrading at the isolation centre is still underway.
“The isolation ward at Ndanga hospital will be complete while all procurement is done. All mild cases for now are advised to self-isolate at home and severe cases can be referred to any isolation centre in the province as now the Mashava isolation centre will also help ease congestion at the Rujeko isolation centre which has become the referral clinic,” he said.
Councilor for Ward 11, Elias Mawoneke in Zaka added that there is need for the government to intervene and develop the isolation centre.
“The underdevelopment of the isolation centre at Ndanga has seriously affected residents as there is no other centre nearby where people can get help. Traveling to Masvingo is quite a challenge as there are also restrictions and requires also a lot money. People then tend to get sick and not get treatment, some are fortunate enough to survive while others die and this is also a super spreader for the virus in our area. There is need to develop the centre and it should accommodate many patients.”