By Trevor Makonyonga
Former Information Communication and Technology Minister, Supa Mandiwanzira and go current Presidential advisory committee Trevor Ncube have missed out onTV licences.
The two missed through their companies Alpha Media Holdings who had applied as Heart and Soul TV and AB Communication respectively.
The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) confirmed the list of six firms who got free to air licences which includes the Zimbabwe National Army’s Rusunguko TV.
The free to air licenses have been awarded to Jester media, Zimpapers’ Zimbabwe Television Network (ZTN), ZNA’s Rusununguko, Arcacia, Fairtalk and Channel Dzimbabwe.
In a statement confirming this development BAZ said, “The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) wishes to advise members of the public that the process of licensing new Television Services has been completed.
“The Authority invited applications for the provision of Free-to-air National Commercial Television Broadcasting Service licences in February 2020 and received a total of fourteen applications. The Authority processed the applicationsin terms of the requirements of the Broadcasting Services Act [Chapter 12:06] including conducting public inquiries to determine Applicant’s suitability to be issued with Broadcasting Service licences. The Authority has completed the processing of applications and the final adjudication thereof.
“The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe advises that the following six Applicants have been awarded Free-to-air National Commercial Television Broadcasting Services licences; Jester Media (Pvt) Ltd trading as 3k TV, Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Limited trading as ZTN, Rusununguko Media (Pvt) Ltd trading as NRTV, Acacia Media Group (Pvt) Ltd trading as Kumba TV, Fairtalk TV trading as Ke Yona TV and Channel Dzimbahwe (Pvt) Ltd trading as Channel D.”
The channels are expected to go on air within 18 months failure of which the licence will be revoked and “availed to other aspirants through a similar process.”