By Irvin Takavada
The country’s economy is on a precipitous fall owing to the devilish running by the minister of finance and the apex bank governor.
This opinion comes at a time the RBZ is said to be mulling to introduce new 50ZW$ and 100ZW$ at a time when economists were applauding the prevailing currency and price stability. The last time the 10ZW$ and 20ZW$ were introduced the country witnessed a spike in prices and the foreign exchange rate and it boggles the mind why the RBZ does not learn from history.
It is disheartening that the renowned minister of finance and economic development Professor Mthuli Ncube has failed to deliver to his acclaim as the citizens have been milked of their income through obscene taxes. The minister has always been consistently ranting about a budget surplus when even social services delivery is at its worst for example the health sector is in the ICU as we speak. In hospitals there is a need for CD4 count machines and we are short of the least like penicillin.The current crippling strike by health personnel has witnessed expecting mothers losing their babies like that incident where 7 babies were stillborn at Harare Central Hospital in July this year.In November 2019,a Mbare backyard midwife Gogo Gwena delivered close to 100 babies in unhealthy conditions.All this unfolding while one Professor is bragging about having a surplus when the health sector is in doldrums.
Going on to the reincarnation of ZUPCO which the government lauds itself for having gone a long way in alleviating the public transport crisis is in shambles. Last week when the rains impounded , social media was awash with depressing videos and pictures of commuters being drenched in rain while queuing for the few ZUPCO buses .It is utter hogwash to boast of providing ZUPCO buses when commuters have to endure odd hours queuing for the buses. In some neighbourhoods in Harare , people are waking up as early as 2 o’clock in the morning to catch Zupco buses.So disturbing is that some commuter who have chronic illness like BP, diabetes and asthma ,pregnant women have also to endure the winding queues. It boggles the mind more not knowing why the so called Professor, a brutal capitalist, brag about surplus budget while the ordinary suffers, does any of the two gentlemen in the finance sector even care?
The cash crunch in Zimbabwe is apparent but Mthuli’s compatriot,Dr John Mangudya , the RBZ boss saw it worthwhile to reduce mobile money transaction limits in order to curb the spiralling foreign exchange rate, but this has added more woes to the ordinary citizens as most of them relied on the mobile money for convenience. It is a reality that most Zimbabweans do not have confidence in the banking system and the coming in of mobile money had eased their challenges. It’s laughable that a few months ago Mangudya had to ask for prayers to cleanse the demons affecting the country’s economy when this is his own machination. The two men can’t even print money with Braille but they talk of million dollar projects.( Apparently, there are tactile features on Canadian currency,can we not copy such an intervention).Why not even do the least like suggesting grants for the old, crippled and blind than to dream of a space satellite. I guess even the devil can deny such a great devilish act of being inconsiderate to humanity.As we speak today, they survive on NGOs and donor aid and for how long shall they remain a charity case. Why can’t we put systems to take care of our own for example Zimbabwe’s elderly citizens account for about 6% of the country’s population, such a small number surely government should make efforts.
Why does the government continue to pour billions in Command Agriculture defies logic since they have not been any productivity to talk about. It has continued to bleed the economy and the two notable men controlling the country’s ‘purse’ are still blind about it. Reports have shown that ever since the programme was initiated there has not been any significant grain supply at GMB. None of the two ever thought of how best to improve food security, let’s talk of cloud seedling to improve our rain pattern, we have man-made rivers and dams to have constant water supply for animals and people. We still have many people life-centred unfinished project like Zambezi Water Project, Batonga Hydroelectric Plant etc. Right now in this 21st century people in capital city are still struggling to get safe tap water but one man is dreaming of a satellite. Do they really care, because they can afford borehole water and solar powered systems but how about us who can’t afford buying an axe to fetch us wood for fire.
Youth empowerment has been partisan and unfruitful hence we have seen young people who are not interested in farming being awarded farms while we have graduated from institutions of Agriculture at home and the result has been vandalising of farm infrastructure cause those awarded know not to care for the farms. Hence the need for strict penalties to protect farm vandalism. There are few youths guaranteed loans by the government to give all a chance using the bank while the government is the guarantor.
He talks of surplus why not loan it to SMEs which have reported to have billions of dollars which are not in the formal banking sector. There are going to lose out on the announced government stimulus package for businesses affected by Covid-19.The entertainment industry is suffering while, in other countries it contribute to the country’s GDP while here no one dates to care about them and promote their works through funding, so my question is who do they care for. Many artistes have died paupers despite shinning in the music scene and sharing stages with international artists. Remember the late Biggie Tembo shared the stage with Madonna but died a miserable death. It’s a shame to the grave.
Zimbabwe today, is a great importer, importing steel, toothpicks, toilet paper while we brag of surplus when shall we promote indigenisation to compete in the international market. Markets should have free play, policies should not change overnight like a short circuit.For a long period ,there have been confusion over the currency issue. Policies and laws should be sacred not to be tempered with so that we cannot scare away investors.
It is my prayer that one day whatever that is intoxicating these two men to act devilishly, not being mindful of the people’s welfare to vanish in their bloodline so that we can see a Zimbabwe that care for its own.
Irvin Takavada is a political and social commentator ,he writes in his own personal capacity and can be contacted on +263 77 111 9337