By Romeo Takundwa
The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) today continued with its job action under the ‘12 Days of action’ in which the association is demanding that salaries be restored to pre-October 2018.
In a statement released today, the vibrant teachers union said that it has seen teachers responding in ever increasing numbers to the call for action.
“Compared to yesterday, percentage attendance has dropped by 8 points to 49%. The School Heads in ARTUZ ranks have joined the call to action increasing member participation to 94.5%, an increase of 2.5% in 24 hours,” read the statement.
ARTUZ has also called for Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council (ZIMSEC) to pay teachers for examination invigilation arguing that the examination body is a separate entity and shall immediately pay for services it receives from teachers just as it pays it’s examiners and markers.
“However, the government is responding by using ZIMSEC to coerce teachers to invigilate examinations without payment from the same. They use the argument that ZIMSEC is under the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education so teachers ought to just work for no pay.
“To correct this misinformation campaign, the position of the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe ARTUZ is that: “ZIMSEC is a separate entity and shall immediately pay for services it receives from Teachers just as it pays it’s examiners and markers.” Should they decide to go on with examinations without paying the teachers to invigilate, they’ll have empty examination rooms in return”.
The 12 day job action which started on yesterday Monday 15th is expected to end on Tuesday 30th of November.
This is regardless of the fact that the government has promised to pay all civil servants bonuses in United States Dollars.