By Trevor Makonyonga and Kudakwashe Vhenge
Popular Jamaican reggae/ dancehall musician, is not amused by a YouTube post which insinuated that he said Zanu PF must not go.
Speaking to Bustop TV the reggae star said that he does not no the ruling party and that his message was misrepresented.
He said, “So I woke in the morning to a YouTube video that I said Mnangangwa and ZANU PF must not go. I do not know those people and definitely those people misinterpreted what I said. and my message was about unity not a political grouping.”
The artist will be going live on Facebook later on tonight.
Meanwhile, Mr Vegas called the black people who signed the Lancaster house agreement “dum dums” and stupid for warring against each other before and after independence.
The dancehall star took to his Facebook page to address about Zimbabwe.
On his address, Vegas started by voicing his concerns about safety and said that he had to be cautious because his page could be blocked and that he also hoped to work on Zimbabwe sometime.
He said, “I am going to read from a source because I don’t want them to shut down the page so I will be giving you the information according to what is on Google. You can draw your own conclusion or you can go and ascertain your own knowledge on the situation but based on the sensitive nature of the situation of what I’m going to speak about; off course you know that we are not really privy to speak in a certain way, we are not really privy to tell the truth so we have to be really careful because earth is a big prison and you should understand this.
“The sooner you understand that the most important thing for me to do under this realm is to free my soul and free my mind because that is the only thing they can’t colonise. They can’t colonise your mind because they can’t see it. You have to be careful who you tell what is on your mind because they will take it and use it against you. That is what they have been doing for centuries.”
The I am Blessed hit maker then talked about the recent commitment made by the government to pay up the white commercial farmers.
He said, “Presently the government of Zimbabwe has agreed to pay Caucasian farmers US$3.5 billion for land that they developed that belongs to Rhodesia people.”
He then read from Google about the Lancaster house agreement and linked it to the supposed civil war that was going on which the Zimbabweans have come to know as the liberation struggle.
“This is exactly what happened, two brothers fighting so we need a European to come in and tell us to stop the fighting, are we that dumb? Then we go blaming white people? We can’t blame white people. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror.
” We continuously do the same thing, start a fight then the white man comes in to stop a fight and the white man look like Jesus. Blessed are the peacemakers? Are we that dumb? One side being trained by the foreign power because somebody saw some form of fertile land that they have set their eyes on that they have to start a war for you idiots. Because you two idiots that are fighting each should have teamed up together to fight protect your land. The Chinese won’t give their land. Sun Tzu said anyone who asks for land is dead.”
After being corrected that ZAPU and ZANU were not fighting against each other during before the Lancaster house agreement, the musician said that he did not care about the parties but that the people at war were blacks going against blacks.
“ZANU and ZAPU teamed up to fight against the Rhodesians, who are the Rhodesians? Black people. See in the video the blacks are fighting blacks. Rhodesian black soldier. Why do you fight against your brother?” Mr Vegas said.
After the live set, Bustop TV got in touch with Mr Vegas who said and rightly that black people in Zimbabwe were never united and have to unite in order to conquer the prevailing challenges.
He said, “In the Lancaster agreement it is written unless it is inaccurate, that ZANU and ZAPU could not come to terms. ZANU and ZAPU were formed by black people but some black person went and joined the white people. So division was there before 1979. This is what I am talking about. How more stupid can our people be. The blacks went to join the minority to fight your brother. That is stupid.”
Vegas also said that the blacks would remain poor because we can’t unite to protect our legacy but would rather fight against each other.
“Black people are going to remain poor for eternity and that happened because of our ancestors. When they should have been matyring and protecting the legacy and riches of Africa they would rather fight against each other,” said Mr Vegas.
As #ZimbabweanLivesMatter goes on, it is critical to start thinking about how we can unite as a people to fight against the prevailing evil.