By Own Correspondent
Below is a list of people who cannot take the COVID-19 vaccine that was developed in China, SinoPharm. This is according to the Vaccine’s manual that was seen by Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono who shared the photo of the manual which stated that the following people cannot take the vaccine:
- Children or young people under the age of 18
- Women who are presently pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to get pregnant in the next 6 weeks.
- Anyone with allergies to COVID-19 vaccines or other vaccines in the past
- Anyone who gets an allergy from the first dose should not take it again
- Anyone with a history of serious allegies (anaphylaxix) requiring emergency care.
- People with conditions that suppress the immune (e.g. HIV-AIDS, on steroid medications or queries or receiving Chemotherapy).
- People with uncontrolled Epilepsy or other neurologic conditions
- People with uncontrolled chronic conditions (e.g. Uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension, uncontrolled heart failure, late stage kidney disease, asthma).
- People diagnosed with symtomatic infection with COVID-19 should not take the vaccine and wait for after recovery
- People who have recently recovered from COVID-19, should wait 2 weeks after their recovery declaration to take the vaccine.
Sinopharm is the vaccine that was delivered in Zimbabwe from China yesterday. 200 000 doses of the vaccine came yesterday while 600 000 doses of the same vaccine are respected in the first week of March.
The head of Zimbabwe’s COVID vaccination Dr. Robert Mudyarima was caught on camera yesterday saying they will measure the effectiveness of the vaccine during the rollout phase.