By Trevor Makonyonga
On June 10 1924, the first stroke of the pen on an evil theatrical play was moved. It was normal business for the Italian Parliament and noone would predict the tragedy that would birth a diabolic system in the world of politics even future generations.
Giacomo Matteoti became the first matyr in the gospel of democracy as we now know it for questioning obvious discrepancies in the way the Fascist under Mussolini had won the election. The Ceka abducted him and his body found two months later at a location outside Rome.
What is fascinating is that noone was ever charged for the crime and the Journal of Modern Italian studies second issue makes a stunning revelation on the possible motives behind Matteoti’s death.
The journal says, “The trial documents real that the murder was also closely linked to the system of bribes that served to finance Mussolini’s propaganda machine and the sections of the press that formed part of it. The decision to murder Matteotti was linked to what was called the ‘oil trail’ and specifically to the corrupt operations by which the American Sinclair Oil Company was making large payments to leading Fascists – all acting as inter-mediaries for Mussolini – in return for an exclusive monopoly to drill for oil on Italian soil and in the Italian colonies.”
As a Zimbabwean and an African, this rule book which Mussolini authored could just have been simply perfected in my native motherland. After closely following the charisma and command of language that Benito Mussolini had, it will be a gross mistake to disregard red flags in the way all the other pseudo Fascists rose to power and how their propaganda machines were oiled by the blood of opposition voices.
Most of the times the silenced opposition voices would have been voices of reason and/or voices of progress. The way Mussolini impoverished Italy to get himself rich and how he forgot to (or simply ignored) to advance his nation was very appalling. Mussolini ruled Italy to the dogs till Germany caught up and overtook her in development.
This retrogressive selfish playbook is what most African leaders have mastered. Anyone who rises to speak against unlawful activities are arraigned and set as examples for all to see. The propaganda voices will be singing a different tune which is in total discord to the beat of suffering and toiling that will be playing in the majority’s hearts.
People will remember Idi Amin who led Uganda in one of the bloodiest years in that East African Nation. The genocide in Rwanda, the countless civil wars in the Congos and the looting of resources by such leaders as Yaya Jameh, Mobutu Sese Seko, Charles Taylor, Omar Al Bashir and Sani Abacha among others.
In Zimbabwe, this rule book has been opened too and it is unfortunate that as in the cases of Fascism politics gives birth to the elite. Opposition politics in Zimbabwe has been marred by the very same imprints of propaganda and gross disregard to the genuine process of democracy and once on the ruling seat, with the power and the resources, the evil hand of oppression is almost guaranteed. It all starts with indimidating sloganeering like the “Vene Vacho” (owners of the country) and “Vapanduki” (defectors) and it later grows to something bigger. Most ruling classes in Africa have magnified their roles in liberation struggles so as to create demigod statuses to yield and consolidate power. These ills are only well propelled by propaganda tools which are often created as a result of the worship followers give to these charismatic politicians.
It is basic African culture that people sing at most gatherings and this fete is not short in politics. People sing their lungs out, ululate and dance in the dust as they create a high table altar for the politician and this is where all the power is lost. The democratic process ensures that every individual is guaranteed a freedom of expression and choice. Good examples in Zimbabwe would be that no slander would have to be associate with Jacob Ngarivhume and Hopewell Chin’ono for exercising their constitutional rights. No insults would have been thrown to Thokozani Khupe, Douglas Mwonzora and Morgen Komichi for their choices. The issue is that the two institutions that these said people went up against are both powerful in certain ways and can manipulate opinions of people easily hence the red flag is there for all to see.
Africans perfected Fascism by way of modifying what they experience when they fight for freedom. It might seem a far fetched statement but in Africa people are constantly fighting for freedom. When seeming freedom is attained, the next leader will oppress others by use of more drastic measures that before.
It is the role of everyone in Africa as a continent to try and bring sanity in this very rich hub full of crops and minerals. With proper handshakes (not golden) of love, peace and harmony this continent could be by far the best place ever better than the imaginary Marvel’s Wakanda.
This madness of abductions, murders, civil wars, rapes, arrests, election, money laundering and looting has to stop and we will make our world better. Fascism must fall for good!