Chitungwiza based non profit making organization, Chiedza Community Development Trust has joined the fight against substance abuse embarking on a drug awareness campaign.
The campaign is targeting youths in the domitary town.
The Chiedza Youths Trust drug awareness campaign which was led by coordinator Willie Pandukani, Faith Gumbo, Leevy Mudzudzu and Makandunyiswe Moyo attracted over 50 youths drawn from ward 8.
The youths were expressing their thoughts on the topical issue by writing on a banner.
Chiedza Community Development Trust coordinator Willie Pendukani said the use of drugs in Chitungwiza threatens to obliterate the next generation of productive people.
As a community based organization they saw it fit to engage in clean up campaigns roping in youths and educating them in the process.
“As Chiedza Community Development Trust we have embarked on a Clean Up Campaign under the theme “YOUTHS AGAINST DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE,” he said.
Pendukani added that their initiative will cover the whole of Chitungwiza.
“This one is our first initiative on drugs, Chiedza Community Development Trust in partnership with Ward 8 Cllr Majoni we held a clean up campaign with mostly youths from that ward 8, educating and raising awareness on the dangers of drug and substance abuse among the youths targeting both girls and boys.We had a banner where participants were writing about the types of drugs, its effects, the causes and the solutions to fight drug and substance abuse among the youths.”
According to Pendukani, Chitungwiza is one of the areas that has a high prevalence of drug abuse among the youth because of its economic distribution.
“Drugs are flooding the streets like marijuana, mutoriro ( crystal method),codine, bronco, matombo(tablets) and krango to mention a few,the effects of this drugs had left the community in a shock, mental health challenges, death, sex orgies parties, promiscuity, moral decadency, high criminal activities, violence and family break ups.”
Some youths who spoke to Bustop TV News said the issue of unemployment, school drop outs, idleness, lack of entrepreneurship programs, poverty, peer pressure and stress are the major causes of drug and substance abuse among the youths.
One of the coodinators Faith Gumbo said that there is need for more educational campaigns to acquaint youths on the dangers of substance use.
“More educational awareness activities are needed to educate youths about the consuming of drugs, Cllrs as community leaders should also make sure that recreational facilities are available in the community for use by youths leaving youths as lack of them is leaving youths with no option but to take drugs as they had nothing to do at home and in the community. We are expecting to hold more drug and substance abuse awareness activities across all the wards in Chitown,” she said.
Drug abuse has fast become a major issue nationwide with many people particularly the youth in high density surburbs engaging in substance abuse.