By Sukuoluhle Ndlovu
14 year old boy, Tadiwa Batisai yesterday (Monday) drowned in a canal as he was trying to swim.The tragedy happened at around 3pm in Chiredzi at Mutilikwi canal,
Masvingo police spokesperson Charity Mazula confirmed the incident.
Batisai left home in the company of his 11year old friend (name withheld). The two are from Buffalo range. He took off his clothes and jumped into the canal and as he was swimming he got in the middle of the waterway and he could not swim any further leading to him drowning.
The 11 year old who had accompanied him to the canal ran and informed his father, Innocent Batisai (39) and the matter was reported to the police and the body was retrieved.
Insp Mazula said that, “Parents should not allow their children to swim no matter the heat and they should also monitor them,” she said.
Incidents of people drowning in water have been on the rise and the Civil Protection Unit have since issued a statement warning citizens not to attempts crossing flooding rivers.
Boy (14) drowns while swimming
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