By Own Correspondent
As different private schools have embraced the use of technology through online classrooms, rural teachers have warned against the reopening of trust schools while sideling those in rural areas.
In a meeting held between the Government and the Unions, Amalgamated Rural Teacher’s Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) said that they want fair treatment of schools.
In a statement released after the meeting, ARTUZ said, “ARTUZ vehemently refused the suggestion by trust schools to allow institutions that afford to test temperature, provide mask and sanitizers to its learners and teachers to be allowed to open. As the union we advocated for fair treatment of schools and it was adopted.”
It was updated also that the meeting resoluted that schools will not open anytime soon.
“The common position from the meeting was that schools will only open once the WHO guidelines are met by all schools in zimbabwe, the Ministry need to take the risk assessment taking consideration of the rising cases and that the Ministry must make an informed decision by the health experts.
“The Unions stood by their common position paper that was submitted to the Ministry which states that schools must not open until all WHO guidelines are met.The Ministry also stated that if schools are to open they need atleast a month (30 days) from now after assessing the progress of the pandemic covid-19.” ARTUZ said.
According to the ARTUZ statement, the permanent secretary Mrs Thabelo gave an update where she stated that the Ministry have came up with four priorities.
These four priorities are, “the Ministry have the mandate to offer education with or without covid-19. In this regard the Ministry considered. Use of online options as a teaching platform, radio/TV platform for a 6 month period and hard copy solutions for open and distant. disadvantaged learners. Back to school or opening up. Teacher capacitation, a robust teacher capacitation need to be in place before schools open and learners feeding programs in schools.”
“On June examination, the permanent secretary explained that the examinations may only be written not before the 23 of June after assessing the situation and in consultation with the Unions. She stated that previously June exams were postponed by a month and that postponement need to be reviewed.”
Meanwhile, as schools are physically closed private schools have resorted to virtual learning.