By Sukuoluhle Ndlovu
28 people have tested positive for COVID 19 in the country.
Of the 93 tests carried out at the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory in Harare, 3 came out postive.
This brings the total figure of confirmed cases to 28, two recoveries and four deaths.
“As on 21 April 2020, from the 93 PCR results received from the NMRL, 3 were positive for Covid -19. Results for 65 samples are still pending.
“All the PCR tests done in Bulawayo today were negative for Covid -19,” said the Ministry.
Harare now has 13 positive cases for Covid – 19, Bulawayo has 10 cases, Matebelaland North has 1, while Mashonaland East has 4 giving a total of 28.
A total of 841 tests were done yesterday while 4 159 screening and diagnostic tests have been done to date.
The Ministry also confirmed receiving the second consignment of COVID-19 laboratory diagnostic test kits and personal protective equipment from the Jack Ma Foundation through the African Union.
The Ministry is very grateful to the Jack Ma Foundation for the support in strengthening the national response and will ensure equitable distribution of these commodities across all provinces.
The ministry continues to be on High alert to the Covid-19 pandemic and would like to remind the nation that, the most effective ways to protect yourself and others against Covid -19 are to practise good personal hygiene and exercise social distancing.
According to World Health Organisation 2 397 216 people have been infected and 162 956 deaths have been recorded globally.