POLICE have banned the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC)’s Mutare constituency rally which was scheduled for Saturday.
In a letter sent to the party, Mutare Rural District’s Chief Superintendent P. Mbira said CCC’s notice of holding a rally was not compliant with the law and their intended venue will be occupied on the day.
“This office acknowledges receipt of your notice on the notifications by CCC to hold a constituency rally at Rowa grounds on 11 February 2023, Mutare Rural District.
“ Your convening notice is not compliant with the law.
“ The intended venue is also lined up with sporting activities by local football clubs who usually use the same facility,” the statement reads.
Police also said property owners and residents were not comfortable with a CCC rally being held at their doorsteps.
“Some property owners are against the holding of the rally at their door steps.
“This office perceives the situation on the ground to be unfavourable for the holding of the rally and therefore it cannot proceed.
“ Be guided accordingly,” the letter reads.
With elections on the horizon, CCC has seen most of its rallies being banned and its supporters arrested or attacked by either Zanu PF youths or the police.