By Kudakwashe Vhenge
Vibrant political activist Patson Dzamara has died.
He was (34)
Patson young brother to missing journalist cum activist Itai Dzamara has been battling cancer of the colon.
Several people have announced the death of Patson Dzamara sending their condolences to his family
Opposition MDC Alliance President Nelson Chamisa wrote “I’m so devastated..Just received bad news from the Dzamaras.The young Dr Patson Dzamara gone too soon. This has been a terrible 2020!”
Former Banker and Businessman Nigel Chanakira wrote:
“It is with profound sadness to advise you that Dr Patson Dzamara has passed on this morning ahead of his scheduled cancer operation. Thanks to all those that had been contributing to the Fund where +US$14k had already been raised. I am personally devasted. MHDSRIP”.
Patson was due to be operated today after a total of USD 14,000 was raised by well wishers after he made public plea to raise money for his operation
Before his death, he thanked Zimbabweans for joining hands and contributing towards his medical bill. He posted on social media:
“I am humbled at the amount of people who have shared strength with me in the past few days. The outpouring of assistance and goodwill in many forms is heartening. Together we will testify. Thank you. Mega blessings”.
Funeral arrangements will be announced in due course.