By Romeo Takundwa
Government reintroduced exemption letters used during the first lockdown in 2020 with immediate effect.
Speaking at a post cabinet media briefing, Tuesday, Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa said citizens travelling into town will be required to produce letters from their work places.
Unnecessary movement within towns and cities has been banned, with only citizens going to work and seeking essential services are allowed to travel.
Mutsvangwa said businesses that violate the restrictions will have their operating licences revoked.
“The nation is advised that the exemption mechanisms which were used during the first lockdown in 2020 will be reactivated with immediate effect.
“Given the above challenges, Cabinet has directed that the Treasury urgently releases the first tranche of $368.2 million it had committed to funding the enforcement of Level 4 lockdown measures.
“This will reinforce the current efforts of containing the spread of COVID-19. Stiffer penalties will be imposed for violations of COVID-19 restrictions, including the withdrawal of business operating licences.
“As you might be aware, the entire country is now under Level 4 lockdown, following the surge in COVID-19 cases,” she said.
The country has witnessed a spike in Covid 19 cases with a total of 1 949 positive cases and 28 deaths recorded yesterday.
Exemption letters now mandatory – Govt