By Kudakwashe Vhenge
Harare City Council has increased its water and service charges by more than 400% save for clinic consultation fees which have remained at 2019 levels.
In a budget proposal delivered last night, the average bill for high-density householders will raise up to $225 a month whilst an average low-density property holder will pay almost $700 a month.
In the budget, council quadrupled water charges, raised sewer charges by 300% and doubled rents for council properties.
Council have since proposed to spend about $4,6 billion next year, with almost $1,7 billion going on the capital budget and $2,9 billion on the revenue budget.
Rates, supplementary charges and property taxes will be the largest contributors to council income together with service charges providing $1, 9 billion with the rest of $400 million coming from grants and loans.
Council is eager to see the ZINARA grant rise to something a lot closer to what Harare residents pay out each year in license fees, but as an interim measure, until it can get this full grant, proposes to levy a 20 percent development levy on all new developments to pay for the new roads that are required.
Water charges remain stepped for households and are rising around four-fold from the levels already set in the October supplementary budget.