By Kudakwashe Vhenge
Harare City Council has reported Mupedzanhamo Market space barons to the Joint Operations Command (JOC) in a bid to depoliticize the affairs at the market.Council’s informal sector committee was also informed that the local authority would seek to obtain peace orders to bar the barons from interfering with activities in the market.
The director of (housing and community services) reported that his department had flagged all space barons causing problems in all markets and reported them to JOC and was also considering getting peace orders from the courts to bar known barons from visiting the markets.
ZANU PF officials have allegedly taken over Mbare, collecting rentals, prejudicing Harare City Council of millions of dollars in potential revenue in the process.
A militant gang, Chipangano , is reported to be at the forefront in the scandalous deals that have resulted in Council losing control of areas such as Carter House, a boarding facility, Mbare Msika and Mupedzanhamo.