By Lloyd Takawira
Government is set to recover unpaid loans from the controvesial command agriculture scheme.
Dubbed one of the greatest heists by ruling elites who corruptly acquired farm equipments and did not repay loans , the command agriculture scheme is set to be ring fenced according to Agriculture minister, Anxious Masuka.
In a statement to the media Masuka said that government plans to recover Command Agriculture loans noting that farmers with outstanding debts will not be enrolled for the 2021/22 farming season.
“The Contract arrangements for the 2021/2022 season are being strengthened to deter side-marketing, non-performance and under-performance. Farmers with outstanding debts will not be enrolled for the 2021/2022 season until they have. For the avoidance of doubt, banks that lend to farmers who have not fulfilled the above, will be liable for any defaults.
He said that , command agriculture defaulters will face the law.
” Additional measures will be taken and all national payment platforms will be activated to ensure repayments by defaulting farmers, including submission of names to the Financial Clearing Bureau.
Over 15 000 farmers benefit from this NEAPS ( Productive Social Protection Scheme (Presidential Inputs Scheme), annually, while over 2.3 million small-holder farmers benefit from social protection schemes annually.
Command Agriculture Loan Defaulters To Face The Law
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