By Sukuoluhle Ndlovu
Masvingo – With his work inspired by Prophet Walter Magaya, Farai Matende has penned his fifth novel, The Outcast which he launched last week.
The book which was published by Oakscript Publishers on the 15th of April this year was launched online.
The Outcast focuses on grace as it’s theme.
“The book is a Christian book and it is about grace. We all need grace in our lives, for me to write about this book, l was inspired by a life experience that l went through. I was in an environment where l was treated like a second class citizen. I then found my way out and l was later recognised and to me it was by grace,” Matende said.
Currently he is working on other books such as The Church, Knowing God and Unlocking Value.
He is also working on a book about the Covid -19 pandemic in collaboration with three other authors.
Due to the corona virus the book had a virtual launch.
“We chose to use online platform due to Covid -19 which restricted us from having face to face launch. So it is also high time we embrace technology,” he said.
The album launch was graced by 11 guests and most of them were prominent authors in the country; Dr Charlton Tsodzo as the guest speaker and Professor Vitalis Nyawaramda as a special guest.
Matende said he is grateful for the positive responses he is getting from readers.
“Many people purchased the book and from the reviews we are getting, people are saying the book is a must read, I want to give thanks to all who supported the event, friends, family, Oakscript publishers team and all readers around the globe. Oakscript publishers team did a great job by publishing the book, organizing a book launch and marketing my book,” said the author.