CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has told junior uniformed officers to serve the interests of Zimbabwean citizens and not the ruling Zanu PF.
This follows claims that junior police and military officers are being ordered by their seniors to vote for Zanu PF in the upcoming elections.
There are reports of disregarding professionalism for cadreship by acting in accordance and support of Zanu PF in the upcoming elections.
However Chamisa urged the junior cops to remain loyal to Zimbabweans and serve their interests first, not those of the ruling party.
“Dear Civil servants and our uniformed patriotic officers, I know what you are going through.
“Be strong, non-partisan and remain loyal to Zimbabwe and its citizens.
“Professionalism first not Cadreship.The darkest hour is just before dawn.The sun will soon rise in Zimbabwe,”Chamisa posted on his Twitter account.
Members of the Zimbabw police and army are known for thwarting demonstrations and protests by the use of violence, teagars and even shooting.
Chamisa also added “Dear Zimbabwe, it is possible to get our country working and great again.
“It is possible to wake up to a rewarding job in Zimbabwe with a capable state,its own currency, electricity, water, high speed internet and the best roads, schools and hospitals. It is possible. #RegisterToVoteNow.”